GisLandManager is a complete software package for the creation, management and maintenance of spatial data.
It contains tools for raster georeferencing, data modelling, vectorization, topological and GIS processing and the system for updating of temporal data over spatial data.
In its basic application it specializes in the usage in a cadastre, while more widely it is intended for the local government (address register, register of buildings, spatial planning and Facility Management), agriculture, forestry and other areas where there is a need for the management of spatial data. By combining different forms of digital data (cadastre, orthophoto, register of buildings and land) a serious GIS analysis can be created by GisLandManager, as well as the increase in the spatial management efficiency.
The storing of spatial and other data with GisLandManager relies upon the usage of the commercial databases of Microsoft and Oracle. GisLandManager, with its modern informatical technologies, is a completely independent software package, developed by using the Microsoft Visual C developmental tool.